
Archive for November 3rd, 2009

“Jealousy is the tribute mediocrity pays to genius” [Fulton J. Sheen].

I was flipping through the television channels the other day and saw a commercial for a new show titled, “Human Wrecking Ball.”

During the 30-second spot, I watched as two guys destroyed things (buildings, furniture, gas stations) by kicking with their feet or tearing apart with their hands or just running into them with their bodies. Seriously?  Don’t you find it surprising that we can find corporate sponsors for this type of programming?

Well, the ad started me thinking about all the people I have come across who are literally Human Wrecking Balls.

They take without giving. Knock down your dreams. Trample through your hopes, and leave a path of destruction in their wake.  They are ghastly and dangerous forces that can poison your spirit.

Instead of putting any effort forth to improve their own circumstances, they focus their energy on tearing down others. Their mission is to reduce your life to a pile of rubble smaller than their own pile of trash.

I’m sure you’ve encountered your own brand of Wrecking Balls. They are suspicious, fearful, and jealous and if allowed to hang around, they have a way of influencing everything in their path. Their persistent negativity will sabotage your destiny.

I caution you to be wary of those you grant admittance into your life.  Protect your dreams and hopes until they are strong enough to grow on their own, and you have confidence in their viability.

Always give your best.
Never get discouraged. Never be petty.
Always remember, others may hate you.
But those who hate you don’t win unless you hate them.
And then you destroy yourself.
Richard Nixon

Whatever you are, be a good one!


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