
Archive for November 13th, 2009

Life is a succession of moments.

To live each one is to succeed” [Corita Kent].

Of all the great inventions that I have available to me — the computer, Internet, air bags, electricity, automobiles — one that ranks near the top of my “favorites list” (and I am a bit hesitant to admit this) is the snooze button.

That’s right!  That marvel of all marvels that allows you to set your alarm with the best of intentions the night before, and then ignore it in nine-minute intervals the next morning.  Oh, the joy!

Yes, I realize I need to stop sleeping, get out of bed, begin the next segment of my life, move to the starting line, face the day, but right now — the blankets are warm . . . and the bed is comfortable . .  and my eyes are heavy . .  and I am tired . . . and I want more of what I already have.

Can you remind me again in about nine minutes?
Thank you, Mr. Alarm Clock!

And — just like that — I put my life on hold.

I miss so many things when I’m content with —
playing Nintendo standing in the middle of the Grand Canyon,
or eating candy sittin’ at a gourmet feast,
or wading in a puddle when I could be swimming in the ocean,
(or hitting the snooze when I could be living my life)*,
I know the time has come for me to wake up!

From Steven Curtis Chapman‘s song, See the Glory
*Italics are mine.

Take a look around. Your life is idling, waiting for you to wake up and start getting started. Stop pressing the snooze button, get off the bench and jump in the game.

Or, you can stay in bed, playing Nintendo, eating candy, waiting for your life to start at some undetermined point in the distant future.

The time to live your life is NOW. Not nine minutes from now.

“If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up” [J.M. Power].

Whatever you are, wake up and be a good one!


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