
Archive for November 12th, 2009

As my dad used to say, no one becomes an astronaut by accident” [Keith Ferrazzi].

I really like this quote by Ferrazzi. (And I imagine I would have liked Ferrazzi’s dad.  Seems like quite the practical fellow!)

Where are you?

Who are you?

And what are you doing?

Although I cannot answer these questions for you, I am pretty sure your life isn’t the result of some spontaneous combustion.  There wasn’t some big bang and *poof* suddenly your current set of circumstances materialized.

If you look back, you can see a decision here, point to a selection there, a left turn, a right turn, a “slow merge ahead” that shaped your journey and brought you to today.

Right now.

This point in time you call your life.

Not so happy with it?  Twelve months ago, November 12, 2008, maybe you should have zigged when you zagged.  What?  You didn’t see the signs?  Sorry about that.

Or, maybe you’re thrilled with your life. You saw the signs, made the adjustments, and kept on going.  No sweat. And now, you’re right where you planned to be from the beginning.

A satisfying, fulfilled, meaningful life doesn’t happen by accident. It takes planning, hard work, and diligence.

It represents the self-discipline of letting go of what you want so you can do what needs to be done. The humility of asking for help when you need it. Of acting on principle and being motivated by values.

Of persevering when it would be easier to throw in the towel. Of planning for change instead of reacting to it.

Of chipping away at the obstacles so you can get on with it.

You are advancing toward your destiny — every day, every minute,  every second, through every decision you make.  Every path you travel. Every person you take along with you on the journey.

Choose wisely. Arrival at the destination is not by accident.  In the end, there is only one person to hold accountable . . . and that person is you.

You always do what you want to do.

This is true with every act.

You may say, that you had to do something,
or that you were forced to,
but actually, whatever you do, you do by choice.

Only you have the power to choose for yourself.

~ W. Clement Stone

Whatever you are, choose to be a good one!


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