
Archive for November 19th, 2009

It isn’t what you have in your pocket that makes you thankful,
but what you have in your heart” [unknown].

When I hear the phrase, “Making a List” I generally think of Christmas and Santa Claus and good boys and girls and presents and grocery shopping. Thanksgiving doesn’t necessarily spring to mind.

What if we changed things up this year? What if we made lists of those things for which we are thankful, instead of those things we must accomplish or purchase or plan for or fix?

My friend, Melanie, recently posted a challenge on Facebook, “Let’s see how many people can do this. Every day this month until Thanksgiving, think of one thing that you are thankful for, and post it as your status. “Today I am thankful for . . . “ I think Melanie has a great idea!

Right now. This very minute. Stop and think about something for which you are thankful.

You will find the power of gratitude is amazing.  It transforms attitudes and reduces negativity. “It is hard to be negative about your situation when you are thinking about things for which you are grateful.  One of the fastest ways to improve your mood or outlook is to count your blessings” [Kevin Eikenberry].

An attitude of gratitude has the power to transform your world.  “Gratitude is something of which none of us can give too much. For on the smiles, the thanks we give, our little gestures of appreciation, our neighbors build their philosophy of life” [A. J. Cronin].

Pause and remember.
Make a gratitude list.
Recall the kindness.
Write down the blessing.
Say, “Thank you.”
Be grateful.

Whatever you are, be a good one,


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