
Archive for November 6th, 2009

The hardest part is what to leave behind . . .

It’s time to let go” [Winnie The Pooh].

On the last page of Success magazine is a list of 10 Actions You Can Take Right Now.  Basically, it’s a brief recap of the how to take the information presented in the publication and put it into action, essentially turning Knowledge into Power.

In the most recent issue, Action Item #8 caught my eye.  It simply stated, “Forgive You.”

“Nothing can sabotage your life more than not forgiving yourself . . . Make a list of at least three grudges you are carrying toward yourself, and decide today to forgive yourself and leave them in the past.”

I don’t think I’d ever heard it presented quite that way, “carrying a grudge (a feeling of ill will or resentment) against yourself.”

I try to never hold a grudge against another person.  It’s not worth it. Unforgiveness takes too much energy. It wastes your time. It poisons your heart.

I believe that “forgiveness is the economy of the heart . . . it saves the expense of anger, the cost of hatred, the waste of spirits” [Hannah More].

And, yes, I believe all of these things to be true . . . when I consider the actions of others.

But I am not nearly so benevolent with myself. I’m not so quick to overlook my shortcomings.

The relationships that ended poorly.
The harsh comment.
The neglected kindness.
The selfish action.
The thoughtless blunder.
The forgotten promise.
The missed opportunity.

I tend to think about them.  And then think about them some more. Point them out to others. Keep pulling off the scabs so they cannot heal. Believing that I need to do penance to atone for my sins. Why do I do this?

Why would I refuse to extend tolerance, patience, and unforgiveness to myself, when I offer it to others?  Sometimes I am my own worst enemy.

What about you? Are you holding grudges? Are you carrying around resentment toward yourself? Isn’t it time to forgive yourself and move on with your life?

Forgiveness is a decision; it’s not an emotion. When you decide to forgive, your emotions will follow your decisions.

There is no way your spirit is free to show joy, congratulate yourself on your achievements, and celebrate the life you have with your family, if you have not forgiven yourself” [Andy Andrews].

Let go of self-resentment and banish the grudges you hold against yourself so you can free your spirit to live a fulfilling life.

Forgive you. Today.

“Without forgiveness, there’s no future” [Desmond Tutu].

Whatever you are, be a good one!


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