
Archive for October, 2014

Summer is over. The growing season is coming to an end in Central Ohio and with temps threatening to fall into the 30-degree range over the weekend, it is time to clean the flower beds. In the past, I’ve always experienced pangs of regret when an annual I’ve carefully and thoughtfully tended during the warm summer months succumbed to the deadly effects of Jack Frost.

This year, however, I decided to save an especially vigorous asparagus fern and bring it to the studio, where the temperature is moderated and we have sunshine in abundance. Back in May, I purchased several small starts of these ferns. Most found homes in planters around our condo, but one special little guy made his home on the corner of my desk at SJ. He has been sprouting new growth all summer and has nearly outgrown his allotted space. Throughout the past weeks, colleagues have even regularly commented on how great he looks.

But when I brought in his brother this morning, the one who had spent the summer at home, I was shocked by the disparity in their progress. Months ago, they sat side-by-side on a shelf at our local garden center, any difference in size or vitality was unnoticeable. But now, well, see for yourself:

photo 1-1

photo 2-1

Both are healthy and growing and are visually appealing. They both received attention during the growing season. (Truth be told, the little guy was fawned over five days a week while his big brother was given a cursory glance and the occasional squirt with the water hose as it sat on the front steps.)

Same plants. Same soil. Same start in life. Different size containers.

See what happens when you are given space to expand and room to grow? To breathe and dream and imagine? All things being equal, it’s more likely you’ll reach your potential more quickly.

Living. Being healthy. Looking good. Blooming where you are planted. These are worthwhile goals, but not the same as reaching your potential. I’ve heard it said repeatedly, Good is the enemy of great.

Where are you planted? Is it the right environment for your growth? The people, the routines, the expectations, the costs, the payoffs—are they pushing you or holding you back? Transplanting a fern–much more so a life–is risky, no doubt about it. But if you want to stretch and grow and expand beyond where you are right now, it might be just what you need.

Whatever you are, it matters where you are planted!


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