
Posts Tagged ‘excellence’

“To do the common things uncommonly well” [H. J. Heinz].

My computer has been operating very s…l…o…w…l…y. When I attempt to switch between a Word file and my Outlook In-box (and I’m being conservative here), I have time to go downstairs, get into my car, drive a mile up the road to Starbucks, order a light Carmel Frappuccino, return home, check my voice mail, let the dog out, go back upstairs, and sit down at my computer in time to watch Outlook open.

If you have ever had the misfortune of encountering this type of problem, you’ll understand when I say that my frustration level was growing by the hour. At first I thought I had a virus — but none of my virus protection software (and I employ several) showed any problems. I ran an Anti-Malware (malicious software) program. Yes, 23 issues were identified. No, my computer did not operate faster.

Finally, after some additional research, I realized my demands had outpaced my resources and my computer no longer had sufficient memory. I figured this was a pretty painless and inexpensive fix and before you can say “Random Access Memory,” I was on my way to Best Buy.

Now, I have to stop right here and say how much I love, LOVE Best Buy. I have consistently good experiences with the company and regularly recommend them to friends and family. The stores are clean, the staff is friendly and knowledgeable, the company itself puts out a lot of really good culture vibes, and you can trust what they tell you. (They’re not just trying to sell you something to rack up sales; they are not paid on commission.) Plus, how could you not love any company that is willing to create a “Geek Squad” to help its customers? And those Geek Squad people get excited when you ask about increasing your computer’s memory!

“Well done is better than well said” [Benjamin Franklin].

Let me give you a quick example of how great Best Buy is to me. A couple of months ago I had a question about an old cantankerous external back-up drive I own (which I did not purchase from Best Buy). I sent an email to the Geek Squad through the company’s main web site asking for assistance. I wasn’t looking to buy anything, I just needed some guidance. I received a very helpful email response from my local store, providing information to help solve my problem, as well as several alternatives to consider. The friendly tone of the message, the simple instructions provided, and the willingness to help caught me off guard. After all, they were just answering my question, not making a sale.

I sent a follow-up email with a quick thank you, and in a matter of minutes another response arrived saying how much they appreciated the opportunity to help and, oh, by the way, “Have a nice day.” I didn’t buy anything and had no intention to, I just needed some advice. Yet the person behind the email treated me like I had purchased the biggest home entertainment system in the store. Best Buy knows how to do the common things uncommonly well and, in the process, delivered excellent customer service!

What about you? “Think about all the common things you could do uncommonly well. Would an extra sentence or two in an email make the difference between simply informative and truly helpful information?” You shouldn’t be asking if you made a difference today. Of course you did! You undoubtedly affected somebody, maybe slightly, maybe significantly. The most important question to ask yourself is, “What kind of difference did I make?” [Mark Sanborn].

Excellence comes from striving, maintaining the highest standards, paying attention to little details, and being willing to go the extra mile.

In other words, only those who settle for mediocrity are always at their best. Unfortunately, the mediocre seldom realize what they have settled for” [Glenn Van Ekeren].

As Isaac D’Israeli said, “It is a wretched waste to be gratified with mediocrity when the excellent lies before us.”

“Go a step beyond the customary or ordinary. Give just a little more than normal” [Van Ekeren]. Choose to be uncommon today!

Whatever you are, be a good one!


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