
Posts Tagged ‘Philanthropy’

In about the same degree as you are helpful, you will be happy.

~Karl Reiland

Some people make huge differences in the world.  When they place a call or write a check or make an appeal, their actions affect thousands of individuals, entire communities, generations of people.

While names like Winfrey, Buffet, Gates, and Carnegie spring to mind, resources of such magnitude are rare. People who have that type of power, influence, and philanthropic spirit don’t live on every block.

But you know who does?

People who seek out opportunities to share what they have.

Those who try to make the load lighter, the road shorter and the journey more enjoyable for others.

Individuals who seek out opportunities to serve, volunteer, make a difference.

“People who not only see the light at the end of the tunnel, but become that light for others” [Live Inspired].

People like YOU.

Don’t wait for someone to ask for your help. The need is too urgent to put it off until your bank account is stuffed and overflowing. In fact, I believe that “if you give when you are asked, you have waited too long” [anonymous].

People everywhere are seeking what you have to offer.

Take the initiative to offer a solution. Connect them to others. Serve as a mentor.  Travel with them. Show them the way. Become the light so they can see how to reach their dreams.

Whatever you are, follow the advice of Norma B. Rice: “Dare to reach out your hand into the darkness, to pull another hand into the light.”


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